Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Debate Continues

<p>I never thought I would be writing this blog post 1 week before the US reaches it's debt ceiling. Amid passage of bills that include nothing but cuts to the poor and middle class Americans, I have reached the conclusion that Washington is out of touch with Americans. The issue lies in the fact that we are not vocal in denouncing the unfair bills that target the social safety net. Forcing cuts to social security, well that's just wrong, why should a program that doesn't contribute to the deficit face cuts?
We must voice our opinions and let Washington know that we do not support gutting the social safety net. As the recovery slows, the safety net is more important than ever. Without it, millions of Americans would have no way to survive.

All the talk of keeping taxes low for the rich and corporation, well, it makes no since. In a time where the wealth gap is widening between the rich and poor and especially the white and minority population, where are these jobs Republicans promised. They ran on a jobs platform, but have only divided Washington and are running us off a cliff. We must act on the debt ceiling. But if the deal unfairly targets the poor, we must voice our displeasure and make sire Washington never makes the mistake again.

A deal must be made, but it a fair deal, one with shared sacrifice from the poor, middle, and upper classes. Stand together and let them know how we truly feel.

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