Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Liberals Took A Beating In The Debt Deal

Liberals were the most beaten up and downtrodden group to leave the debt negotiations.  They got nothing immediately, no revenues, no tax reform, but instead took massive cuts.  However they may have one small concession, in the newly formed special comittee. The new comittee wields lots of power in washington, knowing Congress had many reasons to support a proposal, or lose major funding the the main programs we support.
In protecting Social Security, Medicare, and medicaid, unfortunately we caved and let them pile on the pain for students. With massive pain for graduate students, no interest deferrals gone, student will leave with even larger, activist crushing, debt than ever before.  Pell grants could be cut by thousands from their maximum of $5500, and I am one of many that will be affected.  We must make a stand, the super comittee can not allow further hurting of the poor college students and the weak seniors.  We must organize and show our support for revenue raising tax reform, and ending needless loopholes that allow corporations to pay no taxes.  We must protest and be active in our communities. Let it be known to all we will not back down and we will not be afraid.  You can't make us stop, we will fight for what is right. We have given our share, now its time to make them give theirs.

Thanks you all for supporting me,
Sincerely, Nathan Wilkins

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