Sunday, July 10, 2011

Are Republicans really worried about the deficit? Or just want their Tax Cuts?

Is the republican party really worried about the budget deficit, or are they using the debt ceiling to pass their radical agenda. Well, I mus say it is just a method for their destruction of America. They hold the lower and middle classes hostage all in the name of "deficit reduction". However, over the past few weeks, Democrats have brought forward proposals to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion over 10 years. The Republican response? They walked out on the budget talks. They refuse to compromise their tax cuts to achieve real deficit reduction
     John Boehner has been presented with a bill to raise the debt ceiling, and reduce the deficit by 4 trillion, instead he leaves the negotiations. However, as of yesterday he has returned to the table. the problem, he won't talk on the big deal. He won't negotiate real tax reform and necessary tax raises. Instead, he is pushing for 3 trillion in cuts, but no tax increases. If the Republicans want to lower the deficit, why won't they negotiate taxes.  We can't fix the deficit without increasing revenues. We can't continue to hold the lower classes hostages all in the name of deficit reduction, but only trying to keep their tax cuts. We are all sacrificing, why should we not ask the upper class to sacrifice? This must be a shared sacrifice, we must take painful cuts, we are all giving, but now the tax cuts must also be on the table. They need to pay their share of sacrifices. It is after all, a "Shared Sacrifice".

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