Friday, July 1, 2011

Debt Ceiling Raise or Economic Collapse. The balls in your court, Republicans

Over the past few months, I have seen a lot of alarming things happen in Congress. We have almost shutdown thee government, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Now, we are heading to the folly known as defaulting on your debt.
    We have tried negotiating our way to a compromise, but the Republicans have walked out each time. You cannot expect just the lower and middle classes to sacrifice. The upper class must also share in this shared sacrifice. We as Democrats have put our programs on the table, now you must put your tax cuts on the table.
    To prevent government default, we must find a reasonable balanced solution to curbing our debt. It can't all be fixed by cutting spending and hurting the poor. The rich must also experience the pain of sacrifice. We must take away these tax cuts and reform the tax system to eliminate their loopholes and make them pay their fair shared. Only through shared sacrifices of cutting welfare programs for the poor, and making the rich page their share can we solve the debt problem and prevent another Great Depression.

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