Friday, July 1, 2011

Government Default, lets take an example from Minnesota.

I recently blogged about the ill effects a government shutdown could have on its citizens, and we now have a clear example of the damage it could cause. This example, is courtesy of Minnesota, home of Michelle Bachmann.  The government has shutdown over an issue similiar to our recent brush with shutdown. They could not agree on a budget, and could not reach a resolution. A shutdown followed, and thousands have lost their jobs, public places have been closed, and social services have ceased. Do we really want to risk this occurring across the nation? Can we risk it?
       How it got this far, is how the US as a whole has pushed towards default. A lack of compromise, as the Democratic governor wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest citizens, but Republicans push for lower citizens. Neither side will negotiat, and thousand of innocent people are caught in the crossfire. Do we want to let this happen to our country, or shall we push for a compromise from sides and get this issue settled? We can prevent a shutdown, if we push for compromise from the Republicans.

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