Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Debate Continues

<p>I never thought I would be writing this blog post 1 week before the US reaches it's debt ceiling. Amid passage of bills that include nothing but cuts to the poor and middle class Americans, I have reached the conclusion that Washington is out of touch with Americans. The issue lies in the fact that we are not vocal in denouncing the unfair bills that target the social safety net. Forcing cuts to social security, well that's just wrong, why should a program that doesn't contribute to the deficit face cuts?
We must voice our opinions and let Washington know that we do not support gutting the social safety net. As the recovery slows, the safety net is more important than ever. Without it, millions of Americans would have no way to survive.

All the talk of keeping taxes low for the rich and corporation, well, it makes no since. In a time where the wealth gap is widening between the rich and poor and especially the white and minority population, where are these jobs Republicans promised. They ran on a jobs platform, but have only divided Washington and are running us off a cliff. We must act on the debt ceiling. But if the deal unfairly targets the poor, we must voice our displeasure and make sire Washington never makes the mistake again.

A deal must be made, but it a fair deal, one with shared sacrifice from the poor, middle, and upper classes. Stand together and let them know how we truly feel.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Making a Deal

As the days tick down on the American debt default, a deal must be made quickly. A deal is necessary by Monday. If not, we can't get the bill through Congress. This is no laughing matter. There is not s single American that can afford a default. A default would destroy us and we could never be the same.

As important programs keep getting thrown on the table, we still come no closer to a deal. Each day we negotiate, we see no real progress. One side just tends to walk out. I, for one, tend to be very hopeful. A deal will be made and a bill will be passed. This issue will be dealt with, as both sides know it must.

While I do not know how the deal will turn out, when the deal is finally made. I do know, that somehow, someway a deal will be made. The staked are too high to play roulette with our economy. Just as recovery is slowing, we can't put out another hurdle to recovery. Taxes, must be part of a real deal. We will cut loophole for the good of the people, and programs will necessarily be cut. I hope we can find a "fair deal" as Bernie Sanders is pushing for. I want a resolution, but I will not support a deal that is unfair for the American people, and I hope none of you will either.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Are Republicans really worried about the deficit? Or just want their Tax Cuts?

Is the republican party really worried about the budget deficit, or are they using the debt ceiling to pass their radical agenda. Well, I mus say it is just a method for their destruction of America. They hold the lower and middle classes hostage all in the name of "deficit reduction". However, over the past few weeks, Democrats have brought forward proposals to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion over 10 years. The Republican response? They walked out on the budget talks. They refuse to compromise their tax cuts to achieve real deficit reduction
     John Boehner has been presented with a bill to raise the debt ceiling, and reduce the deficit by 4 trillion, instead he leaves the negotiations. However, as of yesterday he has returned to the table. the problem, he won't talk on the big deal. He won't negotiate real tax reform and necessary tax raises. Instead, he is pushing for 3 trillion in cuts, but no tax increases. If the Republicans want to lower the deficit, why won't they negotiate taxes.  We can't fix the deficit without increasing revenues. We can't continue to hold the lower classes hostages all in the name of deficit reduction, but only trying to keep their tax cuts. We are all sacrificing, why should we not ask the upper class to sacrifice? This must be a shared sacrifice, we must take painful cuts, we are all giving, but now the tax cuts must also be on the table. They need to pay their share of sacrifices. It is after all, a "Shared Sacrifice".

Friday, July 1, 2011

The "Afflictions" of being atheist in america.

To many atheists living in America, you know how had it can be. It doesn't matter gay the country was built on religious tolerance and freedom. In America, people will shun you, avoid you, hate you, or hurt you for your lack of beliefs.
    People call us godless liberals all the time. People act like bring atheist is the worst thing ever. People refuse to trust us due to our lack of beliefs. I myself have lost many friends, when I tell them I an atheist, they leave me. It is tough bring atheist in America and I don't think it should be. We should be treated like every other person, whether they be Christian, Muslim, liberal, or conservative, we should all be treated the same.

Feel free to leave comments from your own life's.

Government Default, lets take an example from Minnesota.

I recently blogged about the ill effects a government shutdown could have on its citizens, and we now have a clear example of the damage it could cause. This example, is courtesy of Minnesota, home of Michelle Bachmann.  The government has shutdown over an issue similiar to our recent brush with shutdown. They could not agree on a budget, and could not reach a resolution. A shutdown followed, and thousands have lost their jobs, public places have been closed, and social services have ceased. Do we really want to risk this occurring across the nation? Can we risk it?
       How it got this far, is how the US as a whole has pushed towards default. A lack of compromise, as the Democratic governor wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest citizens, but Republicans push for lower citizens. Neither side will negotiat, and thousand of innocent people are caught in the crossfire. Do we want to let this happen to our country, or shall we push for a compromise from sides and get this issue settled? We can prevent a shutdown, if we push for compromise from the Republicans.

The DREAM ACT. Good for America?

Once again, the DREAM act is being considered in Congress. I for one, fully support this bill. The DREAM act gives children of illegal immigrants a chance to become legal citizens in the only country they have ever known. This is their home country, and they know no other. I think it is a shame it didn't pass the first time. Why should we kick these students out of our country? Why should they not be allowed to become citizens? Why do we kick out people who wish to serve in our military? I think they should be allowed, instead of sending our talented students and soldiers back to their "home" country. I think it should pass, and they should be US citizens.

Debt Ceiling Raise or Economic Collapse. The balls in your court, Republicans

Over the past few months, I have seen a lot of alarming things happen in Congress. We have almost shutdown thee government, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Now, we are heading to the folly known as defaulting on your debt.
    We have tried negotiating our way to a compromise, but the Republicans have walked out each time. You cannot expect just the lower and middle classes to sacrifice. The upper class must also share in this shared sacrifice. We as Democrats have put our programs on the table, now you must put your tax cuts on the table.
    To prevent government default, we must find a reasonable balanced solution to curbing our debt. It can't all be fixed by cutting spending and hurting the poor. The rich must also experience the pain of sacrifice. We must take away these tax cuts and reform the tax system to eliminate their loopholes and make them pay their fair shared. Only through shared sacrifices of cutting welfare programs for the poor, and making the rich page their share can we solve the debt problem and prevent another Great Depression.