Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Super PACs: The Fallout From Citizens United

It's been over 2 years now since the infamous Citizens United vs FEC case was ruled on by the Supreme Court. The 2012 election is the first time we are witnessing the devastating results from this court case. The case, and Supreme Court, struck down almost all campaign finance laws, labeled money as free speech, and made a mockery of our"democratic" elections by legalizing the corporate buying of elections and limitless spending to influence elections. I feared, as many others also did after the ruling, what the results would be, but now we know exactly the results. This election will be the highest cost election ran to date, or possibly ever ran. It is apparent that something must be done to end the flow of the money into the election system, and return the elections to the people.

I still believe there is a chance for this to happen, it is not yet to late. But the people must speak up, and make their voices heard. Let them hear us say that we want our elections back, that corporations are not people, and money does not equal free speech.